Mirko Schallenberg

Mirko Schallenberg's still lifes open up a world of things, where the eye can lose itself in a quiet interplay of balance and imbalance, symmetry and asymmetry, materiality and ephemerality.

Mirko Schallenberg's still lifes open up a world of things, where the eye can lose itself in a quiet interplay of balance and imbalance, symmetry and asymmetry, materiality and ephemerality.


Mirko Schallenberg: Nachbild, 2023
Nachbild, 2023, Oil on canvas, 150 × 150 cm, Sold
Mirko Schallenberg: Zwischenwelten, 2024
Zwischenwelten, 2024, , 160 × 195 cm
Mirko Schallenberg: Synchron, 2023
Synchron, 2023, Oil on canvas, 130 × 130 cm
Mirko Schallenberg: Verbund, 2024
Verbund, 2024, Oil on canvas, 50 × 80 cm
Mirko Schallenberg: Verschränkung, 2024
Verschränkung, 2024, , 113 × 117 cm, Sold
Mirko Schallenberg: Nachhall, 2024
Nachhall, 2024, , 160 × 165 cm
Mirko Schallenberg: Zweisam, 2024
Zweisam, 2024, Oil on canvas, 50 × 50 cm
Mirko Schallenberg: Teilmenge, 2023
Teilmenge, 2023, Oil on canvas, 100 × 80 cm
Mirko Schallenberg: Ceci deux pipes, 2024
Ceci deux pipes, 2024, , 50 × 50 cm
Mirko Schallenberg: Ausreißer, 2022
Ausreißer, 2022, , 90 × 145 cm
Mirko Schallenberg: Honeymoon, 2024
Honeymoon, 2024, Oil on canvas, 50 × 80 cm
Mirko Schallenberg: Ex, 2021
Ex, 2021, Oil on canvas, 50 × 50 cm
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Artist portrait

Artist portrait
Mirko Schallenberg


Solo Exhibitions

Group Exhibitions


Exhibition list


"Losito Kunstpreis", Losito Kressmann-Zschach Foundation, Berlin, Germany

Solo Exhibitions

"Geometrie des Zufalls", Galerie VON&VON, Nürnberg, Germany
"Erdung", Galerie Friedmann-Hahn, Berlin, Germany
"Zwischenwelten (mit Kathrin Rank)", Galerie Cyprian Brenner / Ecke Galerie, Augsburg, Germany
"Malerei zwischen Wesenhaftigkeit und Konstruktion", Galerie ARTAe, Leipzig, Germany
"Nigredo", Galerie Friedmann-Hahn, Berlin, Germany
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Group Exhibitions

"Totentanz und Glück", Galerie Cyprian Brenner, Hüttlingen-Niederalfingen, Germany
"Bildergeschichten", Städtische Galerie Bad Reichenhall, Bad Reichenhall, Germany
"Frohnaturen", Galerie Schmalfuss, Marburg, Germany
"SweetNothingSweet", Kunstverein KISS, Abtsgmünd-Untergröningen, Germany
"11 in 4", Galerie Von & Von, Nürnberg, Germany
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Mirko Schallenberg has all the objects that feature so prominently in his works in his studio. It is in his very own cabinet of curiosities where he plays with the objects and the compositions until, as he says, each object is free of purpose and self-sufficient; until it can stand together with other objects that are self-sufficient, and a quiet conversation takes place. In his paintings, the objects are usually enlarged so that they almost take on the size of the human counterpart and are given a new, unusual physicality.

His 'Dingpyramiden' are reminiscent both of the great masters of Renaissance still life and, in their compositional abstraction and spirituality, of Piet Mondrian. Thus, in the often large-format works, one encounters pieces of grass inspired by Albrecht Dürer or fish hanging down on strings, reminiscent of the still lifes by the Spanish painter Juan Sánchez Cotán.
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany
Born in Northeim, Germany
Studies at the University of Fine Arts in Braunschweig, Germany
Co-Founder of the artist group Konvention
Diploma Fine Art
Master student with Prof. Hermann Albert, scholarship in the artist house Meinersen
2000 -  2002
Co-Founder of the producer´s gallery Konvention
2002 -  2005
Co-Founder of the art association Blauer Salon e. V., Berlin
2016 -  2023
Professor at the Academy of Painting Berlin, and Art Academy in Bad Reichenhall


Ems Vechte Welle
